Benefits of a Coaching Culture

Coaching is a holistic process of personal development that equips church staff and members with the ability to function effectively on relational, organizational, and social levels. (Wilson, 2011, p. 24) The potential benefits from coaching far outweigh the cost an church may face, and to establish a culture built on coaching will, in time, provide a tipping point of growth and development that will be effortless to maintain. (Gladwell, 2006)

Churches and organizations are beginning to move away from consultancy toward coaching due to the entrepreneurial spirit of the current workforce, (Wilson, 2015, p. 96) choosing to focus on cooperation and autonomy of individuals, which is an emphasis of coaching. (Wilson, 2011, p. 24)

From a data perspective, the return on investment (ROI) for organizations to use coaching is staggering. In a recent survey of a Fortune 500 firm, it was found that the ROI on the implementation of an executive coaching program was 529% with significant intangible benefits as well. (Wilson, 2015, p. 98) The coaching program improved individual performance 84%, increased openness to personal learning and development 60%, helped identify solutions to specific work-related issues by 58%, and 60% of respondents identified financial benefits as a result of their coaching experiences. (Wilson, 2015, p. 98)

The reason coaching is leading to such levels of success is the emphasis it places on individuals to direct their own learning. (Wilson, 2011, p. 24) It is allowing individuals to build their confidence, be inspired to take action, and have a sense of support, which are all key elements for successful teams. (Wilson, 2015, p. 96) A church with a culture of individuals who are inspired, confident, and feel supported can only see increases and benefits for the church as a whole.

What keeps churches from implementing a coaching culture?


Carol Wilson. (2004). Coaching and coach training in the workplace. Industrial and Commercial Training, 36(3), 96–98.

Carol Wilson. (2011). Developing a coaching culture. Industrial and Commercial Training, 43(7), 407–414.

Gladwell, M. (2006). The Tipping Point: How Little Things Can Make a Big Difference (1 edition). Little, Brown and Company.

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