Relational Consultants are the Future

For consultants, the key factor for success in the changing future is to ability to build relationships that last through the challenges and changes the future holds. (Christensen et al., 2013) As the global society moves to a more connected relational way of living, the workplace is becoming more relationally driven. Those leaders with a high relationally IQ will prove to be more effective in their organizations. Currently, paranoia, anxiety, mistrust, and competitiveness are fostered in today’s organizations, (Kaufman, 2012) and there do not seem to be enough relationally adept leaders to course correct organizational culture to change this pattern. (Schein, 2010)

This is another reason why consultants need to make the shift to a highly relational approach to interacting with their clients. Consultants need to look for opportunities to work in alternative values such as collaboration, interdependence, and trust. (Kaufman, 2012) High relational consultants can apply their complex understanding of relationships in the workplace and assist organizational leaders to contend with the conflicts and dilemmas more effectively. (Kaufman, 2012) A skilled relational consultant will be able to see not only how an organization needs to operate properly, but also how the multiple conscious and unconscious beliefs and actions of the group and its individual members affects the organization. (Sirkin, 2004) The influence of consultants on organizational leaders can assist in the process of turning around a low morale, low productivity organization by sharing the relational skills the consultant possesses. A consultant who can facilitate such healthy adaptation in a challenging environment is a valuable asset. (Kaufman, 2012)

Consultants with high relational IQ will be highly valuable in the future of organizational development. Relationships built with organization and organizational leaders will open up more doors, more contracts, and more business opportunities. (Clark, 2014)


Christensen, C. M., Wang, D., & Bever, D. van. (2013, October 1). Consulting on the Cusp of Disruption. Retrieved July 31, 2016, from

Clark, D. (n.d.). 4 Ways To Build Meaningful Business Relationships. Retrieved July 31, 2016, from

Kaufman, L. (2012). Organizational Consulting Meets Relational Psychoanalysis: Commentary on Pa… Psychoanalytic Dialogues, (iss. 22), pp. 540–546.

Schein, E. H. (2010). Organizational culture and leadership. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass. Retrieved from

Sirkin, M. (2004). The Secret Life of Corporations: Understanding the True Nature of Business. White Plains, NY: New Chrysalis Press.

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