The Battle Against Human Trafficking

Human trafficking is an atrocity against mankind. In many ways, it is the lowest form of human existence, and a violation of God’s gift of free-will given to mankind. There are currently 21 million victims living in a hell of slavery for labor or sexual exploitation making roughly $150 billion a year for those who own them, however there is an appalling 10,051 prosecutions for trafficking leading to only 4,443 convictions worldwide (Human Rights First, 2016). It is clear the problem is not being adequately addressed globally to make much of an impact and reverse the effects of trafficking on the victims, and the question remains if there is any hope of human trafficking from being abolished.

Unfortunately, human trafficking in its current form is in its infancy as every country around the globe is attempting to learn what trafficking really looks like and what works in response to it (CdeBaca, 2010). This accounts for the lack of appropriate response in prevention and repercussions for those involved with trafficking. Prevention must begin with targeting key vulnerabilities in legal systems, policies and implementation, and protection of human rights (CdeBaca, 2010). With the increase of globalization, trafficking has become easier and more marketable with the internet and other digital avenues of exploitation and sales of individuals (Harf & Lombardi, 2013). For this reason, it appears the human trafficking market is expanding at a rate that the global authorities can’t keep up with, and progress that is presented is so minimal, and possibly politically motivated, that it is inconsequential in the overall perspective of the problem.

Unfortunately, until the value of human life increases around the globe, and convictions for perpetrators of trafficking is as serious as the crimes being committed (UN Office on Drugs and Crime, 2012), trafficking will continue at an increasing rate.


CdeBaca, L. (2010). A Decade in Review, A Decade Before Us: Celebrating Successes and Developing New Strategies at the 10th Anniversary of the Trafficking Victims Protection Acts. Speech, Freedom Network Conference.

Harf, J., & Lombardi, M. O. (2013). Taking Sides: Clashing Views on Global Issue (Eight edition). Boston: Mcgraw-Hill Education.

Human Rights First. (2016, January). Human Trafficking by the Numbers. Retrieved March 14, 2017, from

UN Office on Drugs and Crime. (2012). Global Report on Trafficking in Persons 2012. United Nations Publications, 7–14.

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