Expedition Life Courses

Engage Your Imagination

Imagine Your New Reality…Now Chase It Down

When I was little I was captured by the story of Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. There was something about Gene Wilder’s depiction of Willy Wonka that simply drew me in. Things like Oompa Loompa’s and chocolate rivers were amazing for my young mind to comprehend. Whether I was reading the book, watching the movie, or seeing it in a playhouse, the entire story seemed to whisper to me, “Anything is possible.” As a child I wanted that to be true. I longed for the boundaries of the world to be as far as I could imagine them to be, and the idea of endless possibilities was exciting.

Unfortunately, like so many others, I grew up and allowed the harsh realities of life to convince me that there are limits to what we do in this world and what we can accomplish. I stopped using my imagination and relied more heavily on common sense and empirical data. However, what I have learned in recent years, partially because I have the opportunity to see the world through the eyes of my four-year-old, is that the limits in our lives are placed there by ourselves, or maybe by someone else, but seldom are there concrete boundaries we can’t cross…there are only obstacles waiting to be moved.

Answer this question: if there were no boundaries in front of you…no limitations holding you back…what would you do? What things would you accomplish? What dreams would you pursue?

Often times, after we answer questions like these we come back to reality like a meteor and our sense of powerlessness overtakes us. We become victims of our circumstances, and settle back into our reality and allow our hopes and dreams to float away.

Well, it is time for that to stop! Many times our imagination is tied directly to our passions, and I believe our passions are given to us by God. In fact, I believe the key to each of us finding our place in this world is instilled deep in our core from day 1 and is revealed to us by the skills we are naturally good at and the passions that rise up in us. Engaging our imagination serves as a beacon calling out to us to pursue our purpose in this life, not a frivolous activity for children. The reason many people do not live fulfilled lives is because they have lost touch with their imagination and they have lost touch with their beacon that is supposed to guide them. My hope for you is that you can engage your imagination once again and begin to see the path to the life you were created to live.

In just a few short days Expedition Life is going to launch and lives are going to be changed because dreams are going to come true. Expedition Life is designed to awaken us to rediscover the people we were meant to be. It is full of practical life tools, inspirational videos, and encouraging teachings that have illuminated a path to life change for hundreds of people over the years. I would love for you to be one of them, and I would love for you to bring your friends and loved ones along the journey with you.

Invite others to join the Expedition by sharing on social media above. The world is changed by good people willing to dream big dreams and refuse to give up until those dreams become a reality. My hope is that the more of us that truly find ourselves through Expedition Life will make an impact on this world that can not be ignored.

Well, this is where we part ways for the day, but if you have a question or would like to just chat for a few minutes, please shoot me an email (bpardekooper@moderninklings.com). I would love to hear your story or answer any questions you may have.

Until Next Time,

B Pic with Signature


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