Is Your Life Crazy? Mine Too!

Life is crazy! Do you agree? Is your life crazy?

Over the last few months, life has seemed to shift into a new gear. In May, I graduated from Regent University with a Doctorate in Strategic Leadership Foresight. That is a mouthful to say and I am usually met with glossed over eyes and a placating, “uh huh”. Basically, I have learned how to build strategies that equip organizations, businesses and churches, to navigate the future.

Completing the degree has opened doors to partnerships, consulting opportunities, coaching individuals, and teaching leadership in various contexts. It has also thrust me into learning a whole bunch of other stuff. I am learning how to market, how to navigate the legalese of starting a business, how to build a website, how to create online courses and a variety of other things. Not to mention the world of publishing as I am preparing to launch my book, Millennial Leadership.

Now, don’t read this and take it as complaining. That could not be farther from the truth. Though it is crazy, though I feel exhausted all the time, and though I feel like I am over my head most days, it is exhilarating and rewarding. The reason it is so rewarding is because I get to talk with people at their point of need, help them navigate challenges, walk with them through the accomplishment of a goal or dream, and assist them in building the reality they have only seen in their minds.

Being an entrepreneur, pastor, author, consultant, and coach have unique challenges that are no greater or less than your challenges. They are simply unique and require unique solutions. Life is hard, and that is just the reality we live in. We can’t waste time complaining about it being hard and we can’t sit back and simply wish it weren’t hard. We must keep moving forward. Keep solving problems. Keep making the tough decisions. Keep believing that the impossible is possible. We assess what lies in front of us, put together a plan to tackle it, and then move forward.

My goal as the founder of Modern Inklings is to help people like you live their best life possible by being overcomers to achieve their dreams. We do that be training leaders at a high level, equipping with practical tools, and partnering to navigate difficulties.

I am not sure how you ended up here today reading this little glimpse into my mind, but I want to thank you for being part of the Modern Inklings community in whatever way you are. Reach out and let me know your story, your struggles, and your dreams.

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