Are Church Metrics Unspiritual?

Church growth is a sensitive and emotionally charged subject to discuss. For some church leaders, it is an exciting conversation about what God is doing, the stories of people discovering a church home and faith communities thriving with energy and life. For others, it is a pain point of frustration where emotions can flood in … Continue reading Are Church Metrics Unspiritual?

Aren’t Metrics Worldy?

Within a ministry context, there is a high degree of opposition to the use of metrics. Negative attitudes and motivations often tied to measuring outcomes disqualify analytics from being used by anyone serious about their relationship with Christ. (Hoag et al., 2014) Some use Romans 12:2 where Paul exhorts the Roman church to not conform … Continue reading Aren’t Metrics Worldy?

Toxic Curiosity from Poor Communication

Everyone wants to know everything. Whether it is important to them or not, there seems to be an underlying desire to be “in the know” for many people. Mix this strong desire to know everything with a degree of authority and a dash of insecurity, and there may be a brewing disaster. Analytics are incredibly … Continue reading Toxic Curiosity from Poor Communication

Analytics Program for All

Organizational leaders have a common pursuit regardless of their business sector: success. They desire to be successful, however, their desire to be successful does not always translate into actual success. Just as organizational leaders share the same desire to be successful, they share the same solution to this desire: analytics. (Croll & Yoskovitz, 2013) Incorporating … Continue reading Analytics Program for All

Metric Options for Church Planters

In the endeavor of planting a church, there are a great number of challenges that need attention. For a planter, it is important to determine what is going to be the priority. What is commonly overlooked in the prioritization of a planter’s time, is the development of proper metrics vital to the long-term sustainability of … Continue reading Metric Options for Church Planters

Assuming Too Much

The use of metrics often begins with someone’s assumptions. Whether it is a CEO, a board, a manager, or a lead pastor, the assumptions that provide the basis for chosen metrics are vital to whether or not a start-up is successful. Assumptions are inevitable. An assumption is a statement that is treated as true for … Continue reading Assuming Too Much