Coaching Creates Empathetic Leaders

Leaders are overbearing, unfeeling, demanding, and disconnected from the feelings of their followers. This has been the perspective followers have had of leaders over the course of history, and this perspective has not only determined how followers interact with leaders but also how leaders develop and identify themselves. It is the “great man” theory of … Continue reading Coaching Creates Empathetic Leaders

Humility as a Competitive Advantage

Pride and arrogance are the prerequisites to being a leader. At least, that is what some think. In fact, they believe this so much they disqualify themselves from leadership because the thought of being proud and arrogant is detestable to them. This sentiment, however, may be what makes them highly qualified for leadership. Through the … Continue reading Humility as a Competitive Advantage

Relational Consultants are the Future

For consultants, the key factor for success in the changing future is to ability to build relationships that last through the challenges and changes the future holds. (Christensen et al., 2013) As the global society moves to a more connected relational way of living, the workplace is becoming more relationally driven. Those leaders with a … Continue reading Relational Consultants are the Future

Battle of Ethics for Consultants

Every individual possesses a value system developed through their life experiences, background, and core beliefs that develop their ethical perspectives (McKnight, 2012). Consultants and their clients are no different, and there are times when these ethics are not in alignment with one another. Navigating these differences are potential landmines for consultants if not navigated well. … Continue reading Battle of Ethics for Consultants

Building Trust With Clients

Consultants must seek for the highest degree of effectiveness in order to be a success at consulting, however, highly effective consultants who lack the empathy necessary to build trust with clients, will find themselves lacking opportunities to show their effectiveness. Central to the client/consultant relationship is trust. Low levels of trust lead to low leverage … Continue reading Building Trust With Clients

Jesus the Futurist

Was Jesus a futurist? This may seem like a loaded question if you are a follower and believe that Jesus Christ was omniscience. Christians would say Jesus was prophetic and was exercising his office of prophet when he was making future oriented statements in the Gospels. Non-Christians, however, may not place the same value in … Continue reading Jesus the Futurist