Choose Love over Culture

In the modern era, it is Martin Luther King who has served as the bastion of racial equality and creating a world where there are no racial injustices. It is this author’s opinion that King was not simply heralding an America where African Americans were treated with equality, but was heralding a world where race … Continue reading Choose Love over Culture

True Purpose Through God

Purpose does not necessarily come from God, or a higher power, but is simply the reason why something is done (Merriam-Webster, 2004). In this sense of the word, purpose is simply a matter of fact and does not require a great deal of thought. However, in order to live a life of purpose, much more … Continue reading True Purpose Through God

Necessity of Transparency

Leadership is not just a skill to be mastered, but also an art to be explored. Leadership is the art of mobilizing others to want to struggle for shared aspiration (Kouzes and Posner, 2012). In order to properly administer leadership in an effective way leaders must be proficient in their ability to nurture trust among … Continue reading Necessity of Transparency

Build Your Virtues

Being an ethical leader is not something that naturally happens, and the global scale of unethical behavior and decisions by organizational leaders reveals this truth (Rossy, 2011, p. 35). Leaders who do not intentionally develop their ethical perspective risk allowing the bright line between right and wrong to become blurred and face the consequences of … Continue reading Build Your Virtues

Discerning Quality Christian Leadership

Christian leadership is a challenging concept to fully understand, embrace, and discern quality in. Not only does one have to discern whether the individual offering leadership is offering leadership by way of a quality model such as transformational, authentic, or servant (Northouse, 2013). Once this is determined, then one must determine if the quality leadership … Continue reading Discerning Quality Christian Leadership

Forgiveness to Nonbelievers

Christians, followers of Jesus Christ, are called to be leaders by the mandate given by Christ himself when he ascended into heaven; he instructed his followers to go make disciples (Mt. 28:18-20). For centuries, Christians have interpreted this mandate in several different ways, but one thing has been clear in understanding if not always carried … Continue reading Forgiveness to Nonbelievers