Make it Practical: The Key to Actionable Sermons

The key to delivering actionable sermons is to provide practical application for personal transformation in your faith community. This is done by having an understanding of your culture, asking practical questions, and having a single call to action.

Engaging Sermons: The Key to Increasing Retention

Every Sunday you pray, prepare, practice, and preach your sermon to your faith community believing life change is going to occur. And then on Monday, over 80% of those who heard your sermon have no idea what it was about. How do you increase their retention to deepen their life change? Deliver engaging sermons that … Continue reading Engaging Sermons: The Key to Increasing Retention

Expository Preaching: The Key to Growing a Healthy Church

To see healthy church growth in your faith community you need to incorporate the use of expository preaching. This will allow you to preach the scriptures in a way that conveys the original author's meaning as God intended them to be heard. When the scriptures are read with their original meaning, life change happens and the Holy Spirit moves in supernatural ways.

How to Overcome Biblical Illiteracy

We all love the story of Noah and the Ark. We are familiar with the story of David and Goliath. We understand the idea behind the Creation story. We know there was a story about someone in a lion's den. And didn't someone get saved from a furnace...or fire...or something like that? Many Americans are … Continue reading How to Overcome Biblical Illiteracy

Influence Culture for Societal Change

When Jesus ascended to Heaven in front of His disciples, he provided them with the mandate to go and make disciples throughout the world (Mt. 28:18-20). In essence, he was calling his disciples to rise above the society they were living in, and make the choice to live life differently; he was calling them to … Continue reading Influence Culture for Societal Change

Choices Determine Influence

In Genesis 1, the Bible gives an account of the creation of mankind, as Yahweh made Adam as a reflection of Himself. Yahweh set Adam apart from all the other creatures by allowing him free-will, or the ability to choose (Gen. 2:15-17), with the intention that mankind would choose to be in a relationship with … Continue reading Choices Determine Influence