There are No Guarantees in Ministry

Change is inevitable. What is clear from history, the development of the earth, and our own lives is that things don’t remain the same. The best we can hope to enjoy is the splendor of the moment as long as it is afforded to us, and then look ahead to the next wonderful thing the … Continue reading There are No Guarantees in Ministry

Transformational Leadership for Ministry Innovation

There are a variety of leadership models available for aspiring ministry leaders to choose from. As the pace of life is continually moving faster and churches struggle to keep up with consumerism demands to keep individuals engaged in the gospel message of Christ, a leadership style conducive to change and innovation may be ideal. For … Continue reading Transformational Leadership for Ministry Innovation

Use Discomfort to Increase Innovation

Many organizational leaders desire change, innovation, and cutting-edge ideas to drive their organization, however, innovation antibodies hold things back and often kill ideas before they have a chance to breathe and be considered. The political sway these individuals have is often strong enough that a sweeping change in culture is not really an option. This … Continue reading Use Discomfort to Increase Innovation

Neutralize Change Antibodies

Ministry leaders in the US are missionaries to the third largest mission field in the world with 195 million unchurched souls (Butts, 2006). This may be a sad reality for the advancement of the Kingdom, or an overwhelming truth for ministries to overcome. Bill Hybels (2002) would disagree by saying this is a great opportunity … Continue reading Neutralize Change Antibodies

Need High Trust to be an Innovative Church

Do you want an innovative church? The key is having a church culture built around a high sense of trust. In the field of innovation, trust is considered a core element that breeds innovation (Bachmann & Zaheer, 2013). The process of innovation and idea creation is highly uncertain and highly risky, which by nature creates … Continue reading Need High Trust to be an Innovative Church

Importance of Leading Change

Leading change can be an exhausting and frustrating experience (Denton, 1996), but that is in large part to the natural resistance individuals, as well as organizations, have to change. Change presents uncertainty, which creates anxiety in the people, but change is also necessary. This is why leaders are so vital. Leaders, by nature, are change … Continue reading Importance of Leading Change