Humility as a Competitive Advantage

Pride and arrogance are the prerequisites to being a leader. At least, that is what some think. In fact, they believe this so much they disqualify themselves from leadership because the thought of being proud and arrogant is detestable to them. This sentiment, however, may be what makes them highly qualified for leadership. Through the … Continue reading Humility as a Competitive Advantage

True Purpose Through God

Purpose does not necessarily come from God, or a higher power, but is simply the reason why something is done (Merriam-Webster, 2004). In this sense of the word, purpose is simply a matter of fact and does not require a great deal of thought. However, in order to live a life of purpose, much more … Continue reading True Purpose Through God

Humility is Vital in Leadership

For many, a pitfall to leadership, and why some refrain from the responsibility of leadership, is the allure of arrogance and pride. Leadership is strongly tied to decision making, authority, and control of the people and things under a leaders purview (Northouse, 2013). A natural by-product, if not intentionally checked, is the development of an … Continue reading Humility is Vital in Leadership

Lead to the Uttermost Ends of the Earth

The world is shrinking. As technology makes the far reaches of the world more and more accessible to individuals, cultures and people groups who had very little interaction with one another find themselves thrust into a crowded village that is forcing them to deal with one another. This phenomenon of globalization is reaching into every … Continue reading Lead to the Uttermost Ends of the Earth

Work as an Eternal Endeavor

When Jesus ascended into heaven, he left his disciples with a command: to go and make disciples (Mt. 28:19). This directive to his disciples, then and through the rest of time, was to influence others into a relationship with him; in other words, it was a calling to lead in this world. Through the many … Continue reading Work as an Eternal Endeavor

Work is a Reflection of God

Genesis 3 tells the story of how Adam and Eve disobeyed God and sin entered into the world. As a result, God cursed the serpent, Eve, Adam, and as a result, all of mankind. As a part of God’s curse upon Adam the ground is cursed, work is filled with toil and pain, and mankind … Continue reading Work is a Reflection of God