Make it Practical: The Key to Actionable Sermons

The key to delivering actionable sermons is to provide practical application for personal transformation in your faith community. This is done by having an understanding of your culture, asking practical questions, and having a single call to action.

3 Imperatives of Bi-vocational Ministry

If you do a search on bi-vocational ministry you will find a lot of great articles addressing the demands and benefits of bi-vocational ministry, why it matters, what pitfalls to avoid, etc. All of these are great articles written by great pastors or church leaders. Today I want to address some of the experiences and … Continue reading 3 Imperatives of Bi-vocational Ministry

Jesus the Leader and How He Influenced Others

Leadership is something for business executives, politicians, and manages, right? What if I told you that leadership is a central theme throughout scripture and that Jesus focused on his own leadership and the leadership development of his disciples. Central to spiritual growth and reflecting Jesus is the journey to become a great leader we are … Continue reading Jesus the Leader and How He Influenced Others

Create Next Level Guest Follow-Up

Your guest follow-up process may be the most vital system you have in your church. But, which part of the process is the key? I can tell you it isn't the smiling face when they turn in the guest card, or the greeter at the door, or coffee mug or cookies they received at the … Continue reading Create Next Level Guest Follow-Up

Be a Successful Pastor in 2019

As fall is settling in and the holidays and colder weather are on the horizon, many church leaders are turning their attention to preparing for 2019 and planning out what their ministry strategy will be. In order to be successful as a church leader in 2019, it is important to develop a strategic plan how … Continue reading Be a Successful Pastor in 2019

Maximize Volunteer Engagement by Using Strengths

School is back into the swing of things and as we enter into October, we approach the middle part of the semester. Some schools will hand out midterm grades to inform students and parents, how things are going and if there is any need for adjustments. If you were like me when I would come … Continue reading Maximize Volunteer Engagement by Using Strengths