It’s a New Day For Me

(If you would like more great content like this sent directly to you, let us know here.) Today marks the beginning of a new chapter in my life! I am a minivan owner!!!!! Now for many of you, this is old hat, and in the last couple of days, I have been welcomed into the … Continue reading It’s a New Day For Me

Build an Effective 2019 Ministry Budget

Do you want your 2019 ministry budget to be clear, strategic, and more effective than 2018? Then these guidelines can help you. This morning I initiated the 2019 budget season for our church staff by sending them the budget template I am including in this post. So, the fun begins! Do you love the budget … Continue reading Build an Effective 2019 Ministry Budget

Your Ministry Can Reach Millennials With This Tool

For the last several decades churches have been trying to figure out how to reach the members of their community that are in their 20's and 30's. Years ago these groups were called the Singles Group, which later became the College and Career Group, which became more succinct when shifted to Young Adults. Now, the … Continue reading Your Ministry Can Reach Millennials With This Tool

What’s Your Organizational Operating System?

Where do your loyalties lie? Mac or PC? For most people, they are staunchly one or the other and their motivations can come from a deep love for the one they are loyal to or intense dislike for the one they don't use. These days the conflict between Mac and PC is multifaceted, but the … Continue reading What’s Your Organizational Operating System?

Delegate Your Way Off the Plateau

Hitting a plateau can be exasperating in your organization. Whether it is hitting a plateau of sales as a business or a plateau of attendance if you are a church, finding yourself in the middle of a plateau can cause great anxiety and panic for you as a leader. All you see in front of … Continue reading Delegate Your Way Off the Plateau

25 Ways to Engage Your Community

Its Monday and pastors all over the country are taking a deep breath from the events of the weekend while simultaneously shifting their focus to the week ahead and another weekend of events. Central to the message of Christ is the idea of invitation...the invitation into a relationship with Jesus. For pastors, and our churches, … Continue reading 25 Ways to Engage Your Community