A Leadership Theory for the Social Order of Today

The Industrial Age shifted the world in so many ways and created a new social era for mankind. From a Progress Theory perspective, the assumption is that the Industrial Age moved mankind into a better existence (Bishop & Hines, 2012). However, it is possible for a strong argument to be made that the leadership style … Continue reading A Leadership Theory for the Social Order of Today

Importance of the Sabbath…Even For an Athiest

When if comes to making a difference in our world, the record shows that Christian influence is ill-placed when it is put behind the efforts of advocacy of biblical principles in a secular-valued world. In an era today where the influence of the Christian church is nominally successful on a national scale, Christians must find … Continue reading Importance of the Sabbath…Even For an Athiest

Church’s Response to Human Trafficking

In the conversation on human trafficking, many churches and faith communities are trying to understand their role in eradicating the world from this atrocity. Nearly all Christian faith communities agree that human trafficking, whether for labor or sex, is an injustice that needs to be eradicated (Barnes, 2007). Where the focus of the church needs … Continue reading Church’s Response to Human Trafficking

Kingdom of God Has Come

When Jesus is seen discussing the Kingdom of God in the Gospels, too often we as readers turn our attention to the coming Kingdom of God. Unfortunately, if we so, we miss much of Jesus intended message to his disciples in the first century and today. The Gospel writer Matthew captures a moment of Jesus … Continue reading Kingdom of God Has Come

How Consultants Should Partner With Ministry Leaders

One of the complaints against consultants is the disconnect with their findings and recommendations to the day-to-day work environment a ministry staff engages in. Often times the recommendations feel like canned responses, do not practically work in the lives of those on a church staff, or create loads of busy-work that yield little-to-no tangible results. … Continue reading How Consultants Should Partner With Ministry Leaders

To Live is to Navigate Uncertainty

As human beings, we are all naturally geared toward survival. We make decisions each day that will promote our own perpetuation in the world, to preserve our well-being, and find a comfortable existence that does not threaten our future. Unfortunately, this idea of survival grounded in comfort and safety is a fallacy, simply because the … Continue reading To Live is to Navigate Uncertainty