New Consultants Have an Opportunity

Breaking into the consultant arena can be challenging, but it is not impossible. In fact, the current consulting climate may prove to be the most opportune time for new consultants to come onto the scene. For decades the world of consulting has remained relatively unchanged despite the changes in culture and business, but recently, consulting … Continue reading New Consultants Have an Opportunity

Relationships in Consulting

The world is changing. This is not a revolutionary statement, and anyone who steps out of their home is very aware of the role change has in the lives of every individual. Though the consulting industry has enjoyed a few decades without major change, that period is over and change is knocking on the door. … Continue reading Relationships in Consulting

Consultants Need Coaches, Too

As a consultant, you are trusted to provide guidance and direction to your clients, and they take your recommendations and apply them in ways that could possibly impact the lives of an untold number of people. It is for this reason, there is little room for consultants who do not have a handle on who … Continue reading Consultants Need Coaches, Too

Social Market a Community

In the last 10 years, marketing has taken an entirely new form, causing consultants to rethink how they approach getting their message and services to prospective clients. Organizations are finding they have to navigate successive waves of new technologies, market shifts, and bold ideas that are forcing them to be agiler in their problem solving; … Continue reading Social Market a Community

Consulting for Culture Change

When a consultant enters into a relationship with a client, the focus is on the culmination of change. The challenge is that many churches are not prone to change, nor have they developed their flexibility with change. It would seem the easy answer would be not hiring a consultant to assist in navigating current challenges, … Continue reading Consulting for Culture Change

Using Interviews In Consulting

For consultants, fostering a strong relationship with clients is the key to long-term success through referrals and repeat assignments. Developing a strong relationship starts with managing expectations at the beginning of the relationship with the contract. When consultants create a contract with their clients, it is important they put the time and effort into creating … Continue reading Using Interviews In Consulting