Creating Cultures Within Your Organization

Operations are the key to forward motion for everyone organization. Without efficient operations, time and resources get wasted (Eden & Ackermann, 2011) and members of the organization fall into an apathetic state of mind from feeling as though they are spinning their wheels. Innovation is the grease that maintains the forward motion of operations. Through … Continue reading Creating Cultures Within Your Organization

There are No Guarantees in Ministry

Change is inevitable. What is clear from history, the development of the earth, and our own lives is that things don’t remain the same. The best we can hope to enjoy is the splendor of the moment as long as it is afforded to us, and then look ahead to the next wonderful thing the … Continue reading There are No Guarantees in Ministry

Transformational Leadership for Ministry Innovation

There are a variety of leadership models available for aspiring ministry leaders to choose from. As the pace of life is continually moving faster and churches struggle to keep up with consumerism demands to keep individuals engaged in the gospel message of Christ, a leadership style conducive to change and innovation may be ideal. For … Continue reading Transformational Leadership for Ministry Innovation

Innovation in a Church’s Life Cycle

An organizational life cycle is a great tool to use to track where an organization currently exists and what lies ahead. This tool could be incredibly useful to ministry leaders to prevent their congregations from slipping into a lethargic existence where change is difficult and is slow to implement. For churches who are in the … Continue reading Innovation in a Church’s Life Cycle

Create Freely Ministry Leader

Christianity and the future are synonymous (Leithart, 2014). However, this is not evident in the majority of churches. Most churches seem to be proclaiming their affinity for the past and traditional. History and tradition have their place in the church, just as a rearview mirror has its purpose in a car, but neither were meant … Continue reading Create Freely Ministry Leader

Perfect Storm for Innovation

As technology innovation causing the rest of the world to speed up, organizations of all shapes and sizes are seeking the magic formula for innovation. They are looking for ways to be more innovative, stay ahead of the competition, keep customers engaged, and be effective in accomplishing their mission. According to Davila et al (2012), … Continue reading Perfect Storm for Innovation