Be Innovative with these 3 Idea-Generating Tools

This new year has all the opportunity to be different. The question is, how are you going to make it different? Creating change, momentum, and energy requires ideas of innovation which takes an intentional effort to create. Being equipped with idea-generating activities is paramount for every team looking to have a year full of opportunity. … Continue reading Be Innovative with these 3 Idea-Generating Tools

Christianity Losing Ground in the Cities

We are losing ground in the fight for the eternal souls of people. A new Pew Research Center study has revealed that the Muslim population is going to surpass the Christian population over the next 30 years (Shellnut, 2017). One contributing factor to this shift is the migration of Muslims to younger, growing areas of … Continue reading Christianity Losing Ground in the Cities

Influence Culture for Societal Change

When Jesus ascended to Heaven in front of His disciples, he provided them with the mandate to go and make disciples throughout the world (Mt. 28:18-20). In essence, he was calling his disciples to rise above the society they were living in, and make the choice to live life differently; he was calling them to … Continue reading Influence Culture for Societal Change

Revolution is in the Eyes of the Beholder

As the old saying goes, love is in the eye of the beholder. Well, so is revolution. Through the course of history, revolution has been shaped in the perspective of the historians and their biases. The American Revolution could easily be remembered as the American Revolt by English historians. The French Revolution could be named … Continue reading Revolution is in the Eyes of the Beholder

Stabilize Change For Continuity

Society is made up of a series of social changes over time that shape and guides the way people interact with one another on every possible level. Historically, change creates resistance because it creates discomfort (Vago, 2003). This resistance, or conflict, is the basis of social conflict theories including those formed and championed by Karl … Continue reading Stabilize Change For Continuity

Change for God’s Sake

In his 1978 song Everything Must Change, Benard Ighnar takes a look at change with a longing sadness as "the young become old and mysteries do unfold". For those of us who are in ministry leadership, it is easy for us to lament the challenges we face when trying to motivate church attenders to embrace … Continue reading Change for God’s Sake