Leveraging for Social Change

Change is equally prevalent in all aspects of life and has a tendency to not remain isolated to any one area, often times moving from one area to another and back again impacting the initial area in a different way (Vago, 2003). The temptation is to approach change with one of two different stances: the … Continue reading Leveraging for Social Change

Social Theory from God’s Perspective

Social change is a fact of life that we must have a proper understanding of if we are to maintain a Kingdom mindset in line with God’s plan for our lives. Bishop and Hines (2012) propose 10 different theories of social change and depending on our culture of origin, or the culture we identify with, we … Continue reading Social Theory from God’s Perspective

Change is Not Optional

Change is an inevitability of life. It is what provides life with the energy that most people seek in their days, their experiences and their memories. Change is a fundamental reality of everyone’s life that keeps the world in motion (Bishop & Hines, 2012). Though social change does not garner the same attention as social structures … Continue reading Change is Not Optional

Kingdom of God Has Come

When Jesus is seen discussing the Kingdom of God in the Gospels, too often we as readers turn our attention to the coming Kingdom of God. Unfortunately, if we so, we miss much of Jesus intended message to his disciples in the first century and today. The Gospel writer Matthew captures a moment of Jesus … Continue reading Kingdom of God Has Come

There are No Guarantees in Ministry

Change is inevitable. What is clear from history, the development of the earth, and our own lives is that things don’t remain the same. The best we can hope to enjoy is the splendor of the moment as long as it is afforded to us, and then look ahead to the next wonderful thing the … Continue reading There are No Guarantees in Ministry

Transformational Leadership for Ministry Innovation

There are a variety of leadership models available for aspiring ministry leaders to choose from. As the pace of life is continually moving faster and churches struggle to keep up with consumerism demands to keep individuals engaged in the gospel message of Christ, a leadership style conducive to change and innovation may be ideal. For … Continue reading Transformational Leadership for Ministry Innovation