How to Boost Team Member Satisfaction

When most leaders think of ways to make those they lead happier, their minds go to elements like pay, benefits, and perks. Perks usually include things like getting a new coffee machine for the break room, bringing in a catered lunch, or starting a rewards program. While these perks are certainly nice, they cost money … Continue reading How to Boost Team Member Satisfaction

Why Leaders Should Learn About Mental Health

For a long time, discussion about mental health has remained largely sidelined to hushed private conversations. That is beginning to change as more and more public figures are honest about their personal struggles. This has opened up a great opportunity for leaders to facilitate these conversations within their own organizations. Despite this change, many leaders … Continue reading Why Leaders Should Learn About Mental Health

What’s Your Organizational Operating System?

Where do your loyalties lie? Mac or PC? For most people, they are staunchly one or the other and their motivations can come from a deep love for the one they are loyal to or intense dislike for the one they don't use. These days the conflict between Mac and PC is multifaceted, but the … Continue reading What’s Your Organizational Operating System?

Shopping for a Leader

So, you are on the journey to be a pastor? Trying to naviage the challenges along the way? Well, you are in the right place. Last week we started this series, "I Want to be a Pastor" in hopes of helping those of you who desire to be in full-time ministry. The goal of the … Continue reading Shopping for a Leader

How the Church Can Gain Influence

When churches do not engage in anticipatory planning, their ability to define an issue, set the agenda, and establish the boundaries of the issue are limited (Ashley & Morrison, 1995). This is one reason the church as a whole has diminished in its ability to influence the communities it serves. The church is classically known … Continue reading How the Church Can Gain Influence

Building a Successful Alliance

Every day new strategic alliances are formed between corporations, entrepreneurs, and outreach organizations because there is a shift in understanding that autonomy is no longer paving the road to success, but it is through cooperative alliances that sustainable success is possible (Pett & Dibrell, 2001). With the increasing turbulent environment of increased government regulations and … Continue reading Building a Successful Alliance