Making Mentorship a Priority

The future of any organization lies with the organization’s ability to mentor and rise up young leaders. Unfortunately, many leaders are too insecure to mentor young leaders because it threatens their position of influence and security leading to excuses as to why the leader is unable to mentor. (de Vries, 1988, p. 25) One of … Continue reading Making Mentorship a Priority

Biblical Values in Various Cultures

Values are directly connected to an individual’s beliefs about what is important in life (Hultman, 2001) and the desire to meet the basic needs of physiological, safety, social, esteem and self-actualization. (Maslow, 2000) These basic needs are universal regardless of culture context of an individual; however, different cultures approach these areas of need with different … Continue reading Biblical Values in Various Cultures

Value of Theoretical Development of Leadership

A theory in a given field of study is “an idea that is intended to explain facts or events”. (Merriam-Webster, 2004) By nature, theories are presented as possibly true but lacking the empirical data needed to make them fact. (Merriam-Webster, 2004) Theory is often the postulation of reality rather than reality itself. In order for … Continue reading Value of Theoretical Development of Leadership

Leaders Need the Bible

The modern world is advancing at a remarkable rate of speed and most people are trying to desperately keep up with it. For the most part, technology is responsible for increasing the frantic nature many people go through life with, while at the same time providing many conveniences and provisions to day-to-day life. While technology … Continue reading Leaders Need the Bible

The Development of the Global Leader

The world is expanding in complexity, as well as shrinking in scope, and the leadership models of yesteryear have become somewhat antiquated and risk being dangerously ineffective in a global environment.  The developing global community is coming of age in a world of “high chaos and continuous change” (Marquardt, 2000, p.1) and with the expansion … Continue reading The Development of the Global Leader

Build Your Bench Strength

Ray Blunt made the statement in 2000 that growing the next generation of leaders may be the “single most critical responsibility of senior…leaders today.” (p.4) Wright (2012) referred to the depth in numbers of leaders within an organization as “bench strength”, pulling a term from the sports world. Building “bench strength” requires a level of … Continue reading Build Your Bench Strength