Battle of Ethics for Consultants

Every individual possesses a value system developed through their life experiences, background, and core beliefs that develop their ethical perspectives (McKnight, 2012). Consultants and their clients are no different, and there are times when these ethics are not in alignment with one another. Navigating these differences are potential landmines for consultants if not navigated well. … Continue reading Battle of Ethics for Consultants

Big Data is changing the way business intelligence operates, and is opening new doors of opportunity for organizations and individuals. With the combination of cloud computing and business intelligence, new flexibilities are being created for organizations at cost-effective prices (Muntean, 2015). Big Data is the combination of information from diverse sources to create knowledge, make … Continue reading

Ethical Dilemma of Big Data

Big Data is a hot new topic in analytics, and the advancements of technology are providing limitless possibilities. Big Data is the combination of information from diverse sources to create knowledge, make better predictions and tailor services (Martin, 2015). Though it is considered a technology itself, it must not be forgotten it is also an … Continue reading Ethical Dilemma of Big Data

The Need for Ethics in Global Leadership

Corporate scandals of recent years have brought the ethics of global leadership to the forefront of the organizational world (Jones & Millar, 2010). Ethics has been a part of the leadership conversation for nearly fifty years when styles such as servant and transformational emerged (Northouse, 2013), but there has been a disconnect for leaders when … Continue reading The Need for Ethics in Global Leadership

Moral Consultation In Futuring

Within the process of consulting strategic foresight, there will always be a dilemma when it comes to presenting courses of action to a client. This dilemma is in regards to the moral quality of given action plan and whether or not it should be presented as a viable option. Strategic foresight is focused on having … Continue reading Moral Consultation In Futuring

Humility is Vital in Leadership

For many, a pitfall to leadership, and why some refrain from the responsibility of leadership, is the allure of arrogance and pride. Leadership is strongly tied to decision making, authority, and control of the people and things under a leaders purview (Northouse, 2013). A natural by-product, if not intentionally checked, is the development of an … Continue reading Humility is Vital in Leadership