Turn Him Over to Satan

In 1 Corinthians 5 Paul addresses an issue of sin being overlooked by believers in Corinth. An incestuous relationship was occurring in the full knowledge of the believers, yet nothing was being done (vs. 1). The Corinthian church was a wide mixture of individuals with a broad religious background that constantly threatened the virtuous lifestyle … Continue reading Turn Him Over to Satan

Discerning Quality Christian Leadership

Christian leadership is a challenging concept to fully understand, embrace, and discern quality in. Not only does one have to discern whether the individual offering leadership is offering leadership by way of a quality model such as transformational, authentic, or servant (Northouse, 2013). Once this is determined, then one must determine if the quality leadership … Continue reading Discerning Quality Christian Leadership

Jesus Calls All to Leadership

Just like that, He was gone. A flood of emotions filled those who looked on. Their hearts were filled with remorse for the loss, again, of their leader, followed by excitement at what his parting words meant to them. Those emotions were soon replaced by a feeling of uncertainty; how were they supposed to accomplish … Continue reading Jesus Calls All to Leadership

How to Read the Bible

For centuries people have approached the Holy Bible with a broad spectrum of intentions. The vast majority, though approach the Bible with the intention of connecting with the God of the universe, which is the only true way to approach the words of scripture.  Peterson (2006) called this approach ‘spiritual reading’, a reading that “enters our … Continue reading How to Read the Bible

Paul’s Call to Unity

In Galatians 5 Paul underlines the need to have strong ethical leadership with a set of strong principles which guide in making right decisions about moral decency (Northouse, 2013), while also calling his readers to an authentic leadership model. Paul finishes up this particular portion of scripture with a call to a strong team mindset … Continue reading Paul’s Call to Unity

Be Identified by the Rabbi

Socio-rhetorical criticism is a interpretive tool for scripture that studies the words of a text rather than the meaning of the text specifically through various textures (Robbins, 1996, p. 1). One texture that can be a valuable tool for scripture interpretation is the social and cultural texture which studies the world individuals live within at … Continue reading Be Identified by the Rabbi