Respond to Persecution With Holiness

Understanding the lives of individuals in the first century gives greater understanding to the passages of scripture to modern interpreters. Through the use of socio-rhetorical criticism, biblical interpreters are able to understand the values, convictions and beliefs behind the words of scripture (Robbins, 1996, p. 1) by studying the various textures of a text. The … Continue reading Respond to Persecution With Holiness

Leadership in Mark 10:42

Despite being newly identified in the research field, authentic leadership and servant leadership have been practiced for thousands of years, primarily in the life and ministry of Jesus Christ (McCabe, 2008, p. 33). A central teaching of Jesus during his ministry was authentic and servant leadership. In Mark 10:42-45 Jesus teaches his disciples the difference … Continue reading Leadership in Mark 10:42

God’s Sovereignty and Adversity

Adversity is a given through the course of life, and the American culture is steeped in a deep individualistic mindset that meets challenges and overcomes adversity (Bennis, 1999, p. 72) Though this mindset is highly valued there is a growing disconnect from relying on God and allowing him to move in the lives of Americans. … Continue reading God’s Sovereignty and Adversity

Healing of Blindness Through Authentic Leadership

For four hundred years the people of Israel had yearned for relief from oppression.  The oppressors had changed over the centuries, and the circumstances looked different at different times, but one thing remained: Israel wanted someone to lead them into a place of hope and optimism about their lives and the future of their nation.  … Continue reading Healing of Blindness Through Authentic Leadership

Sacred Texture of Socio-Rhetorical Criticism

Socio-rhetorical criticism is a comprehensive approach to biblical analysis considering multiple textures of a given text. The primary perspective of socio-rhetorical criticism is an approach that focuses on “values, convictions, and beliefs” of the text and world the text exists within. (Robbins, 1996, p. 1) The textures considered are inner texture, intertexture, social and cultural, … Continue reading Sacred Texture of Socio-Rhetorical Criticism

Leadership on the Road to Jerusalem

Behind them were three years of world changing ministry beside the most dynamic individual they had ever known. Following in the footsteps of Jesus they had witnessed awe-inspiriting miracles, incredibly intense exchanges with religious leaders, and unbelievable claims come to pass. In front of them lay a future they could not perceive, nor could they … Continue reading Leadership on the Road to Jerusalem