What’s Your Organizational Operating System?

Where do your loyalties lie? Mac or PC? For most people, they are staunchly one or the other and their motivations can come from a deep love for the one they are loyal to or intense dislike for the one they don't use. These days the conflict between Mac and PC is multifaceted, but the … Continue reading What’s Your Organizational Operating System?

Is Your Job at Risk of AI Replacement?

Last week we discussed the future and the role foresight plays in preparing ourselves for the future ahead. We also discussed the anxiety that can arise when we begin to think about the possibilities the future may hold. As futurists, our job is not to be fortune tellers or prophets of what is to come, … Continue reading Is Your Job at Risk of AI Replacement?

Be Future Smart

When I was little there were two cartoons I watched back-to-back: the Flintstones and the Jetsons. The Flintstones were a family who lived in the stone age with domesticated dinosaurs while the Jetsons were a family who lived in the future were there were flying cars and life happened above the clouds. This was my … Continue reading Be Future Smart

The Millennial Worldview

Millennials are the worst... At least that is the sentiment of many who are not part of the Millennial generation. But is that truly a fair assessment. Many of my days are spent in coffeehouses and restaurants writing, studying, or developing tools. There is always a low roar of noise in the background around me … Continue reading The Millennial Worldview

Issue Briefs for Better Strategy

In organizational life, there is always the need to understand and anticipate the future reality that will inevitably come to pass. The organizations that build effective strategies for the future are the ones who gain strategic advantage and enjoy long-term success. Organizations need to have a strategy (Ackerman, 2011), the question lies in the quality … Continue reading Issue Briefs for Better Strategy

International Futures Model of Forecasting

The International Futures model for global forecasting (IFs) is a powerful tool for anyone interested in having a clear understanding of the future in order to plan, prepare, and intentionally shape the future rather than be in the unfortunate position of reacting to circumstances as they come. There is no model available for global forecasting … Continue reading International Futures Model of Forecasting