Tell Me a Story About the Future

Stories capture the attention of people and propel them to a time and place outside of their reality. Each and every weekend people flock to their local theater in order escape for a couple of hours into a story that seems more fantastical, maybe simpler or idealistic, or even similar enough to explain their own … Continue reading Tell Me a Story About the Future

Your Grandma’s Church is Closing

Creativity is a foundational part of the worship experience of Yahweh. Most early theologians define God as the sole creative force in the universe, and they determined those things created were from divine origin while those things derived were of human origin (Berkun, 2010). As the church, the sole conduit for spiritual growth in relationship … Continue reading Your Grandma’s Church is Closing

Be Creative as You Were Made To

Albert Einstein is quoted saying, “the true sign of imagination is not knowledge, but imagination (Pardekooper, 2016). C.S. Lewis wrote ”imagination is the organ of meaning…producing new metaphors or revivifying old, not caused by truth, but as a condition of it” (Lewis, 1939). Imagination is built into every individual, and the need to create is … Continue reading Be Creative as You Were Made To

Future for Analysts

The analytics boom is just now beginning, and it will be more than a trend, but it will be a new way of life. For this reason, the last decade has seen exponential rise in applications for analytic positions in business, healthcare, and other industries (Davenport 2013; McNeill, 2013). At the same time, a new … Continue reading Future for Analysts

Dive into the Shallow End

As the world is becoming more digitally engaged, the amount of data available is growing exponentially. This volume of data is providing significant opportunity for organizational leaders to make greater decisions and achieve sustainable success. As organizations become more analytical, using analysis, data, and systematic reasoning to make decisions rather than educated guesses and gut … Continue reading Dive into the Shallow End

Big Data is changing the way business intelligence operates, and is opening new doors of opportunity for organizations and individuals. With the combination of cloud computing and business intelligence, new flexibilities are being created for organizations at cost-effective prices (Muntean, 2015). Big Data is the combination of information from diverse sources to create knowledge, make … Continue reading