Expedition Life Courses

Help Us Feed Children In Need

Increase Influence for Tomorrow  Feed Children Today You have been hearing a lot about Modern Inklings and the launch of Expedition Life over the last few days, but we want to share a vital part of what this launch is all about. One of the goals of Modern Inklings is to help train Millennial Leaders for … Continue reading Help Us Feed Children In Need

Be Future Smart

When I was little there were two cartoons I watched back-to-back: the Flintstones and the Jetsons. The Flintstones were a family who lived in the stone age with domesticated dinosaurs while the Jetsons were a family who lived in the future were there were flying cars and life happened above the clouds. This was my … Continue reading Be Future Smart

Relationship Rather than Contract

Strategic alliances are relationships between organizations that provide mutual benefit for each through compromise and alignment of objectives (Bowersox et al., 1992). Unfortunately, too many alliances break down and end up being unsuccessful, which creates the illusion that alliances are a greater waste of resources rather than a creative solution to marketplace challenges (Zoogah and … Continue reading Relationship Rather than Contract

Collaborate Rather Than Compete

As the global market expands and organizations focus on niche markets and specialized products and services, the expansion of strategic alliances is becoming more prevalent. The need for influential and competent strategic alliance managers is paramount. Strategic alliance managers live precariously as they represent organizational interests while attempting to manage the alliance relationships with other … Continue reading Collaborate Rather Than Compete

Influence Culture for Societal Change

When Jesus ascended to Heaven in front of His disciples, he provided them with the mandate to go and make disciples throughout the world (Mt. 28:18-20). In essence, he was calling his disciples to rise above the society they were living in, and make the choice to live life differently; he was calling them to … Continue reading Influence Culture for Societal Change

Advancement Against Human Trafficking

Slavery is alive and well around the globe. In the US, when we think of slavery we are still stuck in the 1800’s focused on the atrocity of our ancestors, however, this focus takes us away from paying attention to the slave trade that is thriving around the globe today. In modern times, though, we … Continue reading Advancement Against Human Trafficking