Church’s Response to Human Trafficking

In the conversation on human trafficking, many churches and faith communities are trying to understand their role in eradicating the world from this atrocity. Nearly all Christian faith communities agree that human trafficking, whether for labor or sex, is an injustice that needs to be eradicated (Barnes, 2007). Where the focus of the church needs … Continue reading Church’s Response to Human Trafficking

Who Is Responsible for Urbanization?

Urbanization is taking over the world’s population at an extreme rate. It is expected that by 2050 3.4 billion urbanization will increase by 84% to 6.3 billion people (Harf & Lombardi, 2013). This is an increase from 3.4 billion in 2009. In contrast, 2020 will see the peak of rural population of 3.5 billion, but … Continue reading Who Is Responsible for Urbanization?

The Battle Against Human Trafficking

Human trafficking is an atrocity against mankind. In many ways, it is the lowest form of human existence, and a violation of God’s gift of free-will given to mankind. There are currently 21 million victims living in a hell of slavery for labor or sexual exploitation making roughly $150 billion a year for those who … Continue reading The Battle Against Human Trafficking

To Live is to Navigate Uncertainty

As human beings, we are all naturally geared toward survival. We make decisions each day that will promote our own perpetuation in the world, to preserve our well-being, and find a comfortable existence that does not threaten our future. Unfortunately, this idea of survival grounded in comfort and safety is a fallacy, simply because the … Continue reading To Live is to Navigate Uncertainty

Does America Need to Be Made Great Again?

The US is currently on a quest to make America great again. But great according to who: the global community, the American people, or both? There is little dispute America is the only standing Superpower in the world (Metla, 2015) but according to Global Trends 2030 (Kojm, 2012) America will lose its Superpower status by … Continue reading Does America Need to Be Made Great Again?

Ministry Lessons from Russia

Discussing systems dynamics and leverage points, an interesting thought lingers. Systems thinkers have the ability to simplify complexity for wiser decision-making through identifying leverage points and pushing them in the right directions. However, is it possible realizing leverage points may create an urgency to move in the wrong direction rather than result in wiser decisions … Continue reading Ministry Lessons from Russia