To Live is to Navigate Uncertainty

As human beings, we are all naturally geared toward survival. We make decisions each day that will promote our own perpetuation in the world, to preserve our well-being, and find a comfortable existence that does not threaten our future. Unfortunately, this idea of survival grounded in comfort and safety is a fallacy, simply because the … Continue reading To Live is to Navigate Uncertainty

Does America Need to Be Made Great Again?

The US is currently on a quest to make America great again. But great according to who: the global community, the American people, or both? There is little dispute America is the only standing Superpower in the world (Metla, 2015) but according to Global Trends 2030 (Kojm, 2012) America will lose its Superpower status by … Continue reading Does America Need to Be Made Great Again?

Ministry Lessons from Russia

Discussing systems dynamics and leverage points, an interesting thought lingers. Systems thinkers have the ability to simplify complexity for wiser decision-making through identifying leverage points and pushing them in the right directions. However, is it possible realizing leverage points may create an urgency to move in the wrong direction rather than result in wiser decisions … Continue reading Ministry Lessons from Russia

Go Beyond Anecdotes

Anecdotal answers pervade the landscape of leadership. A trip to the local bookstore will reveal rows and rows of leadership development books based on someone’s experiential success they are sure will assist the reader in duplicating the same success. What many of these leadership experts seem to neglect on some level, and some neglect completely, … Continue reading Go Beyond Anecdotes

International Futures Model of Forecasting

The International Futures model for global forecasting (IFs) is a powerful tool for anyone interested in having a clear understanding of the future in order to plan, prepare, and intentionally shape the future rather than be in the unfortunate position of reacting to circumstances as they come. There is no model available for global forecasting … Continue reading International Futures Model of Forecasting

Tell Me a Story About the Future

Stories capture the attention of people and propel them to a time and place outside of their reality. Each and every weekend people flock to their local theater in order escape for a couple of hours into a story that seems more fantastical, maybe simpler or idealistic, or even similar enough to explain their own … Continue reading Tell Me a Story About the Future