Creating a Christ-Centered Christmas

It's Christmas!!! Well, technically it is Christmas Eve but the holiday event is here. Throughout today many of us will be finalizing the details, finishing shopping, packing into cars to travel to family, and preparing food for the Christmas celebration. Tonight there will be mini-celebrations with early presents, Christmas jammies, Christmas Eve services, special Christmas … Continue reading Creating a Christ-Centered Christmas

Ministry Burnout Can’t Be Ignored

(If you would like more great content like this sent directly to you, let us know here.) Being a pastor has been one of the highlights of my life. When I graduated from high school I attended a state university and studied history because I wanted to be a history teacher and a football coach. Toward … Continue reading Ministry Burnout Can’t Be Ignored

5 Ways to Feel Accomplished in Ministry

  Be the First to Recieve New Field Notes directly to your inbox by clicking here. Over the summer I have been working on a project at home to put in new floors throughout the entire house. I am sure you can appreciate the feeling of starting a project, having it take far longer than you … Continue reading 5 Ways to Feel Accomplished in Ministry

Pardekooper: An Origin Story

  In a moment my whole perspective on my future had changed. Sitting in my chapel seat hearing God's voice tell me what my future would look like was an incredibly humbling experience, and it also scared me to death. At 19 years old I was new to Christianity and new to the idea of … Continue reading Pardekooper: An Origin Story

Delegate Your Way Off the Plateau

Hitting a plateau can be exasperating in your organization. Whether it is hitting a plateau of sales as a business or a plateau of attendance if you are a church, finding yourself in the middle of a plateau can cause great anxiety and panic for you as a leader. All you see in front of … Continue reading Delegate Your Way Off the Plateau

Is Your Life Crazy? Mine Too!

Life is crazy! Do you agree? Is your life crazy? Over the last few months, life has seemed to shift into a new gear. In May, I graduated from Regent University with a Doctorate in Strategic Leadership Foresight. That is a mouthful to say and I am usually met with glossed over eyes and a … Continue reading Is Your Life Crazy? Mine Too!