It’s a New Day For Me

(If you would like more great content like this sent directly to you, let us know here.) Today marks the beginning of a new chapter in my life! I am a minivan owner!!!!! Now for many of you, this is old hat, and in the last couple of days, I have been welcomed into the … Continue reading It’s a New Day For Me

Leader Development Without a System

Can leader development happen without a formalized system for leadership development? In short, it can, however, it will not provide the results desired. Leader development is the expansion of a person’s capacity to be effective in leadership roles and processes (Van Velsor et al., 2010). A common misconception is that some people are leaders and … Continue reading Leader Development Without a System

Humility is Vital in Leadership

For many, a pitfall to leadership, and why some refrain from the responsibility of leadership, is the allure of arrogance and pride. Leadership is strongly tied to decision making, authority, and control of the people and things under a leaders purview (Northouse, 2013). A natural by-product, if not intentionally checked, is the development of an … Continue reading Humility is Vital in Leadership

Organizational Leaders Must Develop Employees

The job market is an increasingly challenging place to find a firm foundation upon which one can stand and build a career. Employees are faced with workplace environments that are changing on a constant basis, often times within the same organization and even the same department. Rightly so, considering the fact that the world is … Continue reading Organizational Leaders Must Develop Employees

From Transactional to Transformational

At its core, leadership is transactional in nature (Northouse, 2013), but, that doesn’t mean the best possible approach to leadership is transactional leadership. Most leadership models rely on, in some way, the transactional exchange between leader and follower (Northouse, 2013), and though that is true at a very core level, it does not make it … Continue reading From Transactional to Transformational

Challenges of Knowledge Transfer

Knowledge transfer is a vital part of any organization's ability to develop, grow, adapt, and course correct when needed. Unfortunately, knowledge transfer tends to be an area where a haphazard approach is taken, if any approach is taken at all. Knowledge transfer includes any action, under which there is disclosure to others what an individual … Continue reading Challenges of Knowledge Transfer