Mentor Members of God’s Kingdom

It is clear from scripture, if one is a disciple of Jesus Christ, there is an expectation of leadership. In Matthew 28:19 Jesus ascends leaving his disciples with final instructions to “go and make disciples”. His words left a mandate expected of every individual who would choose to follow Jesus. Jesus was a clear transformational … Continue reading Mentor Members of God’s Kingdom

Coaching Through Listening

In order to find the correct balance between listening and communicating, it is first to define what context the balance is being sought. For instance, the listening/communicating balance will be different for an elementary teacher and a nurse. For those in the coaching profession, finding proper balance is imperative for effectiveness. For a coach, a … Continue reading Coaching Through Listening

Mentoring with Storytelling

Mentoring and storytelling are effective forms of communication for any organization to adopt in order to increase growth, build morale, and develop relationships. An organization that intentionally incorporates storytelling as an important part of its culture provides avenues to increase individual and group identity (Blum-kulka, 1993), connect different generations represented throughout the organization (Kellas, & … Continue reading Mentoring with Storytelling

Paul’s Call to Imitation, Was It Self-Serving?

In First Corinthians 11:1, Paul encourages the believers to be imitators of him as he seeks to imitate Jesus. This may seem like a veiled form of self-promotion, but it may also be Paul embracing an unavoidable reality of leadership. In the New Testament, the noun ‘imitator’ is rarely used and primarily appears in the … Continue reading Paul’s Call to Imitation, Was It Self-Serving?

Benefits of a Coaching Culture

Coaching is a holistic process of personal development that equips church staff and members with the ability to function effectively on relational, organizational, and social levels. (Wilson, 2011, p. 24) The potential benefits from coaching far outweigh the cost an church may face, and to establish a culture built on coaching will, in time, provide a tipping point … Continue reading Benefits of a Coaching Culture

Is Leadership Theory Biblical?

Leadership is at the core of every individual because it is at the core of our Creator, Yahweh, and our Savior, Jesus Christ. Leadership cannot be separated from the existence of mankind, because it is central to Yahweh’s plan for his people, and it is the driving force behind Jesus’ mission to sacrifice himself for … Continue reading Is Leadership Theory Biblical?