3 Imperatives of Bi-vocational Ministry

If you do a search on bi-vocational ministry you will find a lot of great articles addressing the demands and benefits of bi-vocational ministry, why it matters, what pitfalls to avoid, etc. All of these are great articles written by great pastors or church leaders. Today I want to address some of the experiences and … Continue reading 3 Imperatives of Bi-vocational Ministry

Expository Preaching: The Key to Growing a Healthy Church

To see healthy church growth in your faith community you need to incorporate the use of expository preaching. This will allow you to preach the scriptures in a way that conveys the original author's meaning as God intended them to be heard. When the scriptures are read with their original meaning, life change happens and the Holy Spirit moves in supernatural ways.

How to Overcome Biblical Illiteracy

We all love the story of Noah and the Ark. We are familiar with the story of David and Goliath. We understand the idea behind the Creation story. We know there was a story about someone in a lion's den. And didn't someone get saved from a furnace...or fire...or something like that? Many Americans are … Continue reading How to Overcome Biblical Illiteracy

Creating a Christ-Centered Christmas

It's Christmas!!! Well, technically it is Christmas Eve but the holiday event is here. Throughout today many of us will be finalizing the details, finishing shopping, packing into cars to travel to family, and preparing food for the Christmas celebration. Tonight there will be mini-celebrations with early presents, Christmas jammies, Christmas Eve services, special Christmas … Continue reading Creating a Christ-Centered Christmas

Jesus the Leader and How He Influenced Others

Leadership is something for business executives, politicians, and manages, right? What if I told you that leadership is a central theme throughout scripture and that Jesus focused on his own leadership and the leadership development of his disciples. Central to spiritual growth and reflecting Jesus is the journey to become a great leader we are … Continue reading Jesus the Leader and How He Influenced Others

Church Ministry Assessment

Want to Know How to Assess Your Church Ministry Today?

As we are approaching the end of the year many of us are beginning to prepare for next year. Part of that preparation is assessing your ministry for what worked this past year and asking the tough questions about what needs added and what needs taken away. This is the time of year we are looking at ministries, events, … Continue reading Want to Know How to Assess Your Church Ministry Today?