What’s Your Organizational Operating System?

Where do your loyalties lie? Mac or PC? For most people, they are staunchly one or the other and their motivations can come from a deep love for the one they are loyal to or intense dislike for the one they don't use. These days the conflict between Mac and PC is multifaceted, but the … Continue reading What’s Your Organizational Operating System?

Building a Healthy Alliance Relationship

When a relationship is born, there is always the feeling out stage. Both parties ask questions and there is an expectation of honesty, openness, and vulnerability. If either party suspects there is a lack of forthrightness, or any hint of deception, the relationship is terminated or moves forward with a high degree of trepidation and … Continue reading Building a Healthy Alliance Relationship

Building a Successful Alliance

Every day new strategic alliances are formed between corporations, entrepreneurs, and outreach organizations because there is a shift in understanding that autonomy is no longer paving the road to success, but it is through cooperative alliances that sustainable success is possible (Pett & Dibrell, 2001). With the increasing turbulent environment of increased government regulations and … Continue reading Building a Successful Alliance

Collaborate Rather Than Compete

As the global market expands and organizations focus on niche markets and specialized products and services, the expansion of strategic alliances is becoming more prevalent. The need for influential and competent strategic alliance managers is paramount. Strategic alliance managers live precariously as they represent organizational interests while attempting to manage the alliance relationships with other … Continue reading Collaborate Rather Than Compete

Issue Briefs for Better Strategy

In organizational life, there is always the need to understand and anticipate the future reality that will inevitably come to pass. The organizations that build effective strategies for the future are the ones who gain strategic advantage and enjoy long-term success. Organizations need to have a strategy (Ackerman, 2011), the question lies in the quality … Continue reading Issue Briefs for Better Strategy

Ministry Scoreboard for Team Focus

Every ministry faces the same challenge: finding a way to focus on the primary goals while keeping up with the challenges of every given day. Ministries commonly fall victim to being reactive and jumping from the demand of the day, or even the hour, to keep up with the demands. Unfortunately, this is often to … Continue reading Ministry Scoreboard for Team Focus