Building a Healthy Alliance Relationship

When a relationship is born, there is always the feeling out stage. Both parties ask questions and there is an expectation of honesty, openness, and vulnerability. If either party suspects there is a lack of forthrightness, or any hint of deception, the relationship is terminated or moves forward with a high degree of trepidation and … Continue reading Building a Healthy Alliance Relationship

Relationship Rather than Contract

Strategic alliances are relationships between organizations that provide mutual benefit for each through compromise and alignment of objectives (Bowersox et al., 1992). Unfortunately, too many alliances break down and end up being unsuccessful, which creates the illusion that alliances are a greater waste of resources rather than a creative solution to marketplace challenges (Zoogah and … Continue reading Relationship Rather than Contract

Deep Ministry Consulting

Often times, consulting projects are only the beginning of a relationship between a consultant and a ministry. Most churches who hire consultants are facing challenges, goals, or missions that are complex, multi-layered, and impact numerous people regardless of the size of the church itself. A mistake a consultant can make when helping a church is … Continue reading Deep Ministry Consulting

Coaching Creates Empathetic Leaders

Leaders are overbearing, unfeeling, demanding, and disconnected from the feelings of their followers. This has been the perspective followers have had of leaders over the course of history, and this perspective has not only determined how followers interact with leaders but also how leaders develop and identify themselves. It is the “great man” theory of … Continue reading Coaching Creates Empathetic Leaders

Social Identity in Leadership Development

Your identity as a leader is the sum total of your personal, professional, and social self (Lord and Hall, 2005). These three elements make you who you are, and it is impossible for your leadership to be separated from these elements of your identity. Traditionally, leadership has been thought of in terms of behavior leaders … Continue reading Social Identity in Leadership Development

Leading for Innovation

Growth depends on robust, sustained innovation (Davila et al., 2012). Whether the conversation revolves around a company, church, team, or individual, growth does not occur without change, risk, faith, and an appetite for innovation. Innovation is a part of all aspects of society (Davila et al, 2012), and individual attitudes determine their potential for innovation, … Continue reading Leading for Innovation