Charisma Through Humility

Charisma and humility are not necessarily two ends of one spectrum. Charisma is a special magnetic charm or appeal one has with others (Merriam-Webster, 2004), while humility a quality of not thinking you are better than others (Merriam-Webster, 2004). There is no reason these two cannot coexist without violating the nature of the other. If … Continue reading Charisma Through Humility

The Church Needs Innovators

The author of Hebrews 13:8 reveals that “Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever”. He provides unmoving stability for his creation to count on with consist love, mercy, faithfulness, and justice. Unfortunately, many ministry leaders and church congregations have taken this truth as a mandate to also remain the same yesterday, today and … Continue reading The Church Needs Innovators

Relational Consultants are the Future

For consultants, the key factor for success in the changing future is to ability to build relationships that last through the challenges and changes the future holds. (Christensen et al., 2013) As the global society moves to a more connected relational way of living, the workplace is becoming more relationally driven. Those leaders with a … Continue reading Relational Consultants are the Future

Value Consulting

In the world of specializing and niche markets, consultants are finding a wide open landscape of opportunity. Though there is a great deal of money to be made for some consultants, their motivations to be consultants must reach beyond pure monetary gain. As the people in the global village become more and more connected, and … Continue reading Value Consulting

Christians as Consultants

Being a consultant must be a value driven profession. In the 90’s and 200’s consultancy moved quickly with freedom and opportunity, but now there is a shift in the way consultants need to think. (Greiner & Poulfelt, 2010) Clients are looking for consultants with whom they can trust and build relationships with to insure they … Continue reading Christians as Consultants

Aren’t Metrics Worldy?

Within a ministry context, there is a high degree of opposition to the use of metrics. Negative attitudes and motivations often tied to measuring outcomes disqualify analytics from being used by anyone serious about their relationship with Christ. (Hoag et al., 2014) Some use Romans 12:2 where Paul exhorts the Roman church to not conform … Continue reading Aren’t Metrics Worldy?