Ministry is a Team Sport

Sunday service is over. If you are a pastor, this means you probably have a mixed bag of emotions. You may have this feeling of exhilaration as well as feeling completely exhausted. For some, Sunday mornings are filled with victories, testimonies, amens, and a deep sense of accomplishment that the Kingdom of God has been … Continue reading Ministry is a Team Sport

Are You a Servant Leader?

Over the last couple of weeks, we have taken a look at servant leadership and the merits of it. Jesus is the greatest example of how a servant leader operates and gains influence from followers by concerning himself with their needs first. Jesus, though, often feels like a bar that is a little too high … Continue reading Are You a Servant Leader?

Jesus Reinvented Leadership

When Jesus walked on this earth the Roman Empire ruled a large portion of the known world. The Romans were known for their brutality, their tight-fisted rulership, and their placating style of allowing cultural staples to remain in their conquered people groups in order to maintain control. The leadership of the Jewish people was not much different. … Continue reading Jesus Reinvented Leadership

We Need Better Leadership Over More Activism

Often times when I speak on leadership I receive this response, "I really enjoy hearing you speak on leadership, but I am just not a leader." It is at this point my eyes gloss over, my complexion begins to turn a bright red color, and steam begins shooting out of my ears. Not because this … Continue reading We Need Better Leadership Over More Activism

Church’s Response to Human Trafficking

In the conversation on human trafficking, many churches and faith communities are trying to understand their role in eradicating the world from this atrocity. Nearly all Christian faith communities agree that human trafficking, whether for labor or sex, is an injustice that needs to be eradicated (Barnes, 2007). Where the focus of the church needs … Continue reading Church’s Response to Human Trafficking