3 Imperatives of Bi-vocational Ministry

If you do a search on bi-vocational ministry you will find a lot of great articles addressing the demands and benefits of bi-vocational ministry, why it matters, what pitfalls to avoid, etc. All of these are great articles written by great pastors or church leaders. Today I want to address some of the experiences and … Continue reading 3 Imperatives of Bi-vocational Ministry

Jesus the Leader and How He Influenced Others

Leadership is something for business executives, politicians, and manages, right? What if I told you that leadership is a central theme throughout scripture and that Jesus focused on his own leadership and the leadership development of his disciples. Central to spiritual growth and reflecting Jesus is the journey to become a great leader we are … Continue reading Jesus the Leader and How He Influenced Others

Ministry Burnout Can’t Be Ignored

(If you would like more great content like this sent directly to you, let us know here.) Being a pastor has been one of the highlights of my life. When I graduated from high school I attended a state university and studied history because I wanted to be a history teacher and a football coach. Toward … Continue reading Ministry Burnout Can’t Be Ignored

Pardekooper: An Origin Story

  In a moment my whole perspective on my future had changed. Sitting in my chapel seat hearing God's voice tell me what my future would look like was an incredibly humbling experience, and it also scared me to death. At 19 years old I was new to Christianity and new to the idea of … Continue reading Pardekooper: An Origin Story

Expedition Life Courses

Why Goal Achievement is Life Changing

Turning Your Hopes and Dreams into a Reality From the time we are little we have hopes and dreams that we long to see in our lives. Over time, life has a way of knocking us around a bit and we begin to temper our hopes and dreams because we don't believe we will ever … Continue reading Why Goal Achievement is Life Changing

Shopping for a Leader

So, you are on the journey to be a pastor? Trying to naviage the challenges along the way? Well, you are in the right place. Last week we started this series, "I Want to be a Pastor" in hopes of helping those of you who desire to be in full-time ministry. The goal of the … Continue reading Shopping for a Leader