Foresight Service to the Village

We are all a part of the global village we live in. For most of the world, gone are the days of isolation from the corners of the planet where a decision in one place does not have a major impact on other parts of the planet. The world has changed significantly and almost every … Continue reading Foresight Service to the Village

Leadership Requires Trust

Trust is the cornerstone of leadership. Leaders who are not trusted, rather feared, are dictators who control people rather than lead people (Northouse, 2013). Leaders are individuals with integrity who inspire confidence in others because of the level of trust they engender from others regarding their ability to follow through with what they say they … Continue reading Leadership Requires Trust

Leading From Love

To embark on a journey to be a leader is to venture down a road of discovery to understand the fine line between influence and fear. Every individual is familiar with both and susceptible to both, but most have a tendency to respond to fear more readily and with greater commitment. Leaders learn this very … Continue reading Leading From Love

Confessions of a Ministry Control Freak

My first position in ministry was exhilarating for me in many different ways. One way it was exciting was I was finally being given the opportunity to see if I could really lead something successfully. I was given an assignment to redesign a complete infrastructure for a ministry and manage almost 100 people in various … Continue reading Confessions of a Ministry Control Freak

Servant Leadership for Consultants

Christians are called to serve. Christ modeled servanthood throughout his ministry (Mt. 20:28) in such moments as the washing his disciples’ feet (Jn. 13:1-17), going with Jairus to heal his daughter (Mk. 5:21-43), and saving an adulterous woman (Jn. 8:1-11). Being a servant is central to the Christian faith and anyone professing to be a … Continue reading Servant Leadership for Consultants

Consulting Servant

A century ago the predominant leadership style was the ‘great man’ approach driven by a strong hierarchical structure that placed power in descending order valuing compliance rather than collaboration (Northouse, 2013). The landscape of leadership has shifted, demanding change in the profession of consulting. Within the shift of consulting there is a shift toward a … Continue reading Consulting Servant