Is Your Job at Risk of AI Replacement?

Last week we discussed the future and the role foresight plays in preparing ourselves for the future ahead. We also discussed the anxiety that can arise when we begin to think about the possibilities the future may hold. As futurists, our job is not to be fortune tellers or prophets of what is to come, … Continue reading Is Your Job at Risk of AI Replacement?

Be Future Smart

When I was little there were two cartoons I watched back-to-back: the Flintstones and the Jetsons. The Flintstones were a family who lived in the stone age with domesticated dinosaurs while the Jetsons were a family who lived in the future were there were flying cars and life happened above the clouds. This was my … Continue reading Be Future Smart

Risk Management and Anticipatory Management

Many organizations understand and utilize risk management. In an organizational environment, there is always a need to understand the level of risk the organization is facing at any given point in its existence (Cervone, 2006). Society is so litigious and organizations need to safeguard themselves from unnecessary risks that could open them up to a … Continue reading Risk Management and Anticipatory Management

Empowering Anticipatory Management

Anticipatory management is a skill necessary for all organizational leaders to consider developing for the continuous success of the organization they lead. Unfortunately, too often the personality traits that have a proclivity for the process of anticipatory management are not possessed by visionary leaders. The natural inclination is to delegate the responsibility of anticipatory management … Continue reading Empowering Anticipatory Management

How the Church Can Gain Influence

When churches do not engage in anticipatory planning, their ability to define an issue, set the agenda, and establish the boundaries of the issue are limited (Ashley & Morrison, 1995). This is one reason the church as a whole has diminished in its ability to influence the communities it serves. The church is classically known … Continue reading How the Church Can Gain Influence

Lead From Crisis or Anticipation?

Crisis or anticipation? This is the decision every leader must make in regards to the future. The years that lie ahead of any organization are filled with twists, turns, and unexpected realities, and it is the job of the leaders to make the wiser choice to forecast the future rather than react to the changing … Continue reading Lead From Crisis or Anticipation?