Be a Successful Pastor in 2019

As fall is settling in and the holidays and colder weather are on the horizon, many church leaders are turning their attention to preparing for 2019 and planning out what their ministry strategy will be. In order to be successful as a church leader in 2019, it is important to develop a strategic plan how … Continue reading Be a Successful Pastor in 2019

Is Your Life Crazy? Mine Too!

Life is crazy! Do you agree? Is your life crazy? Over the last few months, life has seemed to shift into a new gear. In May, I graduated from Regent University with a Doctorate in Strategic Leadership Foresight. That is a mouthful to say and I am usually met with glossed over eyes and a … Continue reading Is Your Life Crazy? Mine Too!

You Need a Coach

For the better part of my life I have played sports and I have had a wide variety of coaches. I have had some really great coaches and some really not-so-great coaches. Regardless of the quality of coach I had, I always learned something from them. Sometimes it was what to do, and other times … Continue reading You Need a Coach

Steve Jobs Could Have Been More Successful

Most people are drawn to great stories of legend. Legendary stories like Abraham Lincoln, Napolean, William Wallace, and so many others inspire people to believe in greater things and overcoming impossible odds. The focus is often on the headline name, and little attention is given to all those who were instrumental in making such great … Continue reading Steve Jobs Could Have Been More Successful

Renew the Mind

My personal experience in guiding individuals through spiritual growth reveals a common disconnect between the development of one’s mind with spiritual disciplines, heart attitudes, and overall behavior.  For some, it seems they do not see the crucial role the mind plays in the process. The early founders of the church believed those who follow Christ … Continue reading Renew the Mind

Making Leadership Development Accesible

Too often the conversation about leadership development is wrapped in the context of Western ideals and practices, creating a narrow view of leadership development excluding those in the broader global context. Though leadership principles can be applied throughout cultural contexts, they are applied differently with different points of focus. Leadership development happens differently in China … Continue reading Making Leadership Development Accesible