Crisis or Small Giants, Succession is Inevitable

Leadership succession is a reality no organization can avoid. Even when an organization has a career leader, or a founding leader, the laws of nature dictate that eventually there will be a change of leadership. Organizations who engage in succession planning place themselves in a position to stabilize the longevity of key personnel in hopes … Continue reading Crisis or Small Giants, Succession is Inevitable

Choose Succession Planning, First

Many leaders do not actively engage in succession planning; often times this is due to the short sighted nature of managing tasks and missing long term development of organizational needs. Founding pastors are no different, and often will enter the subsequent years before retirement with little to no plan for succession. Succession planning is the … Continue reading Choose Succession Planning, First

Following a Charismatic Leader

Every organization must face the reality of leadership succession at some point or another in its life cycle. It is through succession planning that an organization can stabilize its leadership in order to ensure continued effective performance (Rothwell, 2010). The challenge is determining how a new leader is going to fill the shoes of the … Continue reading Following a Charismatic Leader

Ministry Succession Planning Is A Must

Long-term sustainable growth of any organization is based on the ability to transition leadership effectively, efficiently, and decisively. It is this reason succession planning should be a high priority for senior leaders to develop. Succession planning is a design of stabilization of organizational leadership to insure continued effective performance by providing strategic training, replacement, and … Continue reading Ministry Succession Planning Is A Must

Benefits of a Coaching Culture

Coaching is a holistic process of personal development that equips church staff and members with the ability to function effectively on relational, organizational, and social levels. (Wilson, 2011, p. 24) The potential benefits from coaching far outweigh the cost an church may face, and to establish a culture built on coaching will, in time, provide a tipping point … Continue reading Benefits of a Coaching Culture

Succession Planning From Moses

Founding CEO’s of successful organizations live within two constant realities: 1) they have made their dream into a reality, and 2) they must eventually hand their dream off to someone else. Succession planning is scary for any leader because it can threaten their influence and security, (deVries, 1988, p. 25) and for a founding leader … Continue reading Succession Planning From Moses