Leveraging for Social Change

Change is equally prevalent in all aspects of life and has a tendency to not remain isolated to any one area, often times moving from one area to another and back again impacting the initial area in a different way (Vago, 2003). The temptation is to approach change with one of two different stances: the … Continue reading Leveraging for Social Change

Wake Up Your Systems Thinking

System dynamics is not a disciple of a select group of people that is elusive for the mass majority of society. In fact, systems dynamics and systems thinking is basic processing of information that even children do. Children are natural system thinkers seeing beyond the linear solution to a problem, but finding the loopholes and … Continue reading Wake Up Your Systems Thinking

Transcend Paradigms to Press Leverage Points

Attempting to become a systems thinker is challenging. Since life is a series of interconnected systems, and decisions are attempts of managing these systems, it makes sense to grow in understanding and proficiency of systems thinking. One of the most powerful tools of systems thinking is the use causal loop diagrams. Causal loop diagrams are … Continue reading Transcend Paradigms to Press Leverage Points

Present With Confidence

Leading presentation of any kind can seem very overwhelming, particularly if you are not accustomed to speaking in front of people. Leading a workshop can create another layer of anxiety because it introduces unexpected interactions that can put a presented in a position of uncertainty. I would argue that a key element of any presentation, … Continue reading Present With Confidence

Tangible Leading Through Intangible Elements

As a consultant, one of the challenges is dividing between the emotional elements of church life and the organizational elements. It is so hard to identify the tangible pieces from the intangible ‘feeling’ elements. In the church world, the ‘feeling’ elements, or intangible variables, can seem as though they are the majority of the driving … Continue reading Tangible Leading Through Intangible Elements

Causal Loop Diagrams for Casting Vision

Church ministry life is complicated with a wide variety of variables that need consideration but can be overlooked. For those within a ministry leadership team, trying to understand the complexity is challenging, however for those outside of the team it may be an impossibility. Leaders are always seeking the balance of sharing the necessary information … Continue reading Causal Loop Diagrams for Casting Vision