Jesus the Leader and How He Influenced Others

Leadership is something for business executives, politicians, and manages, right? What if I told you that leadership is a central theme throughout scripture and that Jesus focused on his own leadership and the leadership development of his disciples. Central to spiritual growth and reflecting Jesus is the journey to become a great leader we are … Continue reading Jesus the Leader and How He Influenced Others

How to Create a Transformational Church

Being a transformational church where God is moving through the lives of its people is an exhilarating experience. So, how do you navigate the many doors to create cultural change and become a transformational church? Through the course of my research, I found 8 activities designed for culture change to become, and remain, a transformational … Continue reading How to Create a Transformational Church

Employee Information Inundation

An individual’s day consists of constant inundation of information from media outlets, social media, conversations, family relationships, and work environments. So, in the conversation regarding global foresight, scenario planning, and data analysis, it is safe to assume that employees may not have the mental capacity or the actual time to fully consider the information that … Continue reading Employee Information Inundation

Love as a Leader

Central to leadership development is self-discovery, self-assessment, and self- actualization. Without a full understanding of one’s self, it is difficult to lead others to the full potential possible. Most importantly is the ability of a leader to have the capacity for love and effectively express it to those being led. The need for leaders to … Continue reading Love as a Leader

Transformational Leadership for Ministry Innovation

There are a variety of leadership models available for aspiring ministry leaders to choose from. As the pace of life is continually moving faster and churches struggle to keep up with consumerism demands to keep individuals engaged in the gospel message of Christ, a leadership style conducive to change and innovation may be ideal. For … Continue reading Transformational Leadership for Ministry Innovation

Coaching Creates Empathetic Leaders

Leaders are overbearing, unfeeling, demanding, and disconnected from the feelings of their followers. This has been the perspective followers have had of leaders over the course of history, and this perspective has not only determined how followers interact with leaders but also how leaders develop and identify themselves. It is the “great man” theory of … Continue reading Coaching Creates Empathetic Leaders