Christians as Consultants

Being a consultant must be a value driven profession. In the 90’s and 200’s consultancy moved quickly with freedom and opportunity, but now there is a shift in the way consultants need to think. (Greiner & Poulfelt, 2010) Clients are looking for consultants with whom they can trust and build relationships with to insure they … Continue reading Christians as Consultants

Consulting for Culture Change

When a consultant enters into a relationship with a client, the focus is on the culmination of change. The challenge is that many churches are not prone to change, nor have they developed their flexibility with change. It would seem the easy answer would be not hiring a consultant to assist in navigating current challenges, … Continue reading Consulting for Culture Change

Embrace the Millennial Analyst

Bridging the generational gap in the workplace is a growing challenge throughout all sectors of organizational life. Currently, there are four generations working together in most businesses, and this broad age range has the potential to create tension and disharmony as generations try to work alongside one another (Bennet, Pitt, & Price, 2012). For young, … Continue reading Embrace the Millennial Analyst

Ethical Dilemma of Big Data

Big Data is a hot new topic in analytics, and the advancements of technology are providing limitless possibilities. Big Data is the combination of information from diverse sources to create knowledge, make better predictions and tailor services (Martin, 2015). Though it is considered a technology itself, it must not be forgotten it is also an … Continue reading Ethical Dilemma of Big Data

Conflict Between Belief and Analytics

In the church world, analytics may have negative connotations. Some feel analytics hinders the spirit of God by limiting the actions of faith communities. This is, however, not the only perspective, in fact others would argue that proper use of data collection and analytics could be the key to providing a deeper faith life for … Continue reading Conflict Between Belief and Analytics

Can’t Drive to Greatness, You Must Encourage

Human development is a mosaic of societies that shapes communities and organizations (McKnight, 2012). There is no one size fits all, and even the growing reality of globalization and interconnectedness that technology is bringing the global village, cultures remain distinctive and vastly diverse. Consultants today must be cautious on the global stage, and be aware … Continue reading Can’t Drive to Greatness, You Must Encourage