Importance of the Sabbath…Even For an Athiest

When if comes to making a difference in our world, the record shows that Christian influence is ill-placed when it is put behind the efforts of advocacy of biblical principles in a secular-valued world. In an era today where the influence of the Christian church is nominally successful on a national scale, Christians must find … Continue reading Importance of the Sabbath…Even For an Athiest

Kingdom of God Has Come

When Jesus is seen discussing the Kingdom of God in the Gospels, too often we as readers turn our attention to the coming Kingdom of God. Unfortunately, if we so, we miss much of Jesus intended message to his disciples in the first century and today. The Gospel writer Matthew captures a moment of Jesus … Continue reading Kingdom of God Has Come

Discipleship Outside the Church

Discipleship is a powerful mechanism for developing individuals, and has been a cornerstone for the church and growth for thousands of Christ followers over the centuries. Despite discipleship being a foundational piece for the church, there is variety in what people believe discipleship is. Some view discipleship as catechesis, or what takes place through a … Continue reading Discipleship Outside the Church

Social Identity in Leadership Development

Your identity as a leader is the sum total of your personal, professional, and social self (Lord and Hall, 2005). These three elements make you who you are, and it is impossible for your leadership to be separated from these elements of your identity. Traditionally, leadership has been thought of in terms of behavior leaders … Continue reading Social Identity in Leadership Development

Work is a Reflection of God

Genesis 3 tells the story of how Adam and Eve disobeyed God and sin entered into the world. As a result, God cursed the serpent, Eve, Adam, and as a result, all of mankind. As a part of God’s curse upon Adam the ground is cursed, work is filled with toil and pain, and mankind … Continue reading Work is a Reflection of God

Virtue is Necessary With Jesus

As any individual has the opportunity to choose to follow Jesus Christ, they have an equal opportunity to walk away from their relationship with Jesus. When, and if, they decide to come back to reestablish a relationship with Jesus, the path toward a healthy relationship requires a new commitment to adoption and development of personal … Continue reading Virtue is Necessary With Jesus